Why do Bugs Come Inside When it Gets Cold?

Overwintering. It’s a term pest control professionals frequently mention this time of year, but what does it mean? As a homeowner, overwintering is a crucial term for you to know and understand. Dr. Jim Fredericks, chief entomologist for the National Pest Management Association, describes overwintering as the act of bugs, spiders and rodents...

Keep Rodents Out For Good

As the weather begins to cool and fall creeps around the corner, many fall festivities are on our minds. Pumpkin patches, hayrides, autumnal leaves… and rodents!? For homeowners (and your friends here at EcoShield!), cooler weather can mean creeping critters moving indoors to beat the chill. Various mice, rats, and even squirrels may see your home...

Where Do Mice Hide During The Day?

Mice are common household pests for the typical homeowner, and as such, they are a major concern for homeowners. Prolific reproducers and capable of truly disastrous damage to homes, it’s not surprising that we encounter many questions about mice. Why do I have mice in my home? How can I keep mice out? What are some signs of a mouse infestation?...

Why Do I Have Mice Inside My Home?

Picture this: it’s the end of a long day and you sink into the couch, sighing into the long-awaited silence. Finally, some peace and quiet! And that’s when you hear it. It’s unmistakable – the scratch, scratch, scratch of a mouse skittering around your ceiling. You jump up from the couch, infuriated, when you see movement out of the corner of your...

Mice and Cockroaches Linked To Asthma in Young Children

Mouse and Cockroach allergens have been linked to asthma in children.

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