Is Winter Bugging You? – Pest Control in Cold Months

As the skies turn grayer, the days turn shorter, and the temperatures start to plummet, many homeowners take misguided comfort in the belief that the colder season will reduce the need for house pest control. It’s a widely held misconception that freezing temperatures would simply kill off the many pests that can plague a home. If that was true,...

New Yorkers Offered Classes to Prevent Rats

New York City is the most popular city in the world for tourists and the rats really like it too. For years, city managers have been battling a rat problem that makes a typical episode of Fear Factor look like a piece of cake. Any time you have so much architecture and so many people occupying the same space, you will find the perfect breeding...

Emerald Ash Borer affects Chicago and Denver EcoShield Communities

EcoShield Pest Control serves several communities throughout the United States, and for our customers in Chicago and Denver, the emerald ash borer presents serious concerns. The emerald ash borer (EAB) was accidentally introduced to the United States from Asia in 2002, and since then has killed millions of ash trees in North America. Scientists...

Mice and Cockroaches Linked To Asthma in Young Children

Mouse and Cockroach allergens have been linked to asthma in children.

Southerners: You Don’t Have to Live with Bugs

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