Keep Rodents Out For Good

As the weather begins to cool and fall creeps around the corner, many fall festivities are on our minds. Pumpkin patches, hayrides, autumnal leaves… and rodents!? For homeowners (and your friends here at EcoShield!), cooler weather can mean creeping critters moving indoors to beat the chill. Various mice, rats, and even squirrels may see your home...

Are Ladybugs Harmful?

It’s almost an American rite of passage to spend your childhood catching ladybugs or watching them scoot across the playground slide as you stare quietly from the edge. One of the most identifiable commonly encountered bugs, ladybugs are known for their delicate red-orange shell and adorable black polka dots. When looking at a ladybug, “danger” or...

Are Spiders in my Home Dangerous?

According to the Cleveland Clinic, up to 15% of the world’s population has arachnophobia, otherwise known as the intense and often irrational fear of spiders. Even for those of us without arachnophobia, the sight of a large spider skittering by in close proximity is probably enough to send a shiver down your spine. The truth of the matter is, that...

Why Do I Have Mice Inside My Home?

Picture this: it’s the end of a long day and you sink into the couch, sighing into the long-awaited silence. Finally, some peace and quiet! And that’s when you hear it. It’s unmistakable – the scratch, scratch, scratch of a mouse skittering around your ceiling. You jump up from the couch, infuriated, when you see movement out of the corner of your...

Harsh Winter Weather Driving More Pests Indoors

It has been noted that this winter will likely see above-average precipitation amounts across much of the Midwest, including major cities such as Denver, Chicago, and Indianapolis. Many people might consider colder weather and heavy snow as a stopgap against pest presence, killing off invasive species. However, it is critical to remain vigilant...

Steps Taken to Curb New York City’s Growing Rat Population

New York City, including the whole of Manhattan and the boroughs, has long been known as one of the top cities suffering from a rodent epidemic–rats, specifically. Rats infest many residential and commercial properties in their search for food and liquids, and as they scurry to and fro, they spread numerous diseases both to themselves, other...

PPMA Reveals New Pest Education Platform For Kids

Managing pests can seem like a primarily adult endeavor. After all, children aren’t often worried about property damage, home values, or environmentally friendly pest control at work or at school. However, pests can definitely impact kids and it’s important to provide at least a little pest education so children are prepared to approach pests...

Chicago Listed as the Top Bed Bug City 3rd Year in a Row

Throughout 2014, Chicago was often on the news for reports of widespread bed bug infestations in everything from public transportation to office buildings to public institutions such as schools, libraries and movie theaters. Now, in a nationally published list, Chicago has received the dubious distinction of being listed as the country’s top bed...

The Necessity of a Year-Long Pest Control Plan

Many homes and businesses do not give pest control or pest management services much–if any–consideration until a pest problem has actually been detected. This is troublesome, because by the time pests are evident to building residents, it likely means they’ve become deeply embedded in the infrastructure or have a flourishing population that cannot...

Growing Pest Control Problems in Older Buildings

Older buildings and historic properties are often valued for their level of character or the cultural significance they can play. Unfortunately, because of their aged nature, they often are also noted as possessing more pest control problems than modern buildings. The longer a building has existed, the more time pests have to burrow into its...

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