Now is the best time for you to get ready for the upcoming holiday season! There are some important things that you have to do to kick-off the season. One of the most important things to do is ensure that you don’t invite any unwanted holiday pests to your home – and we’re not talking about Uncle Wally and his smelly feet. You want to make sure...

Harsh Winter Weather Driving More Pests Indoors

It has been noted that this winter will likely see above-average precipitation amounts across much of the Midwest, including major cities such as Denver, Chicago, and Indianapolis. Many people might consider colder weather and heavy snow as a stopgap against pest presence, killing off invasive species. However, it is critical to remain vigilant...

Steps Taken to Curb New York City’s Growing Rat Population

New York City, including the whole of Manhattan and the boroughs, has long been known as one of the top cities suffering from a rodent epidemic–rats, specifically. Rats infest many residential and commercial properties in their search for food and liquids, and as they scurry to and fro, they spread numerous diseases both to themselves, other...

PPMA Reveals New Pest Education Platform For Kids

Managing pests can seem like a primarily adult endeavor. After all, children aren’t often worried about property damage, home values, or environmentally friendly pest control at work or at school. However, pests can definitely impact kids and it’s important to provide at least a little pest education so children are prepared to approach pests...

Chicago Listed as the Top Bed Bug City 3rd Year in a Row

Throughout 2014, Chicago was often on the news for reports of widespread bed bug infestations in everything from public transportation to office buildings to public institutions such as schools, libraries and movie theaters. Now, in a nationally published list, Chicago has received the dubious distinction of being listed as the country’s top bed...

The Necessity of a Year-Long Pest Control Plan

Many homes and businesses do not give pest control or pest management services much–if any–consideration until a pest problem has actually been detected. This is troublesome, because by the time pests are evident to building residents, it likely means they’ve become deeply embedded in the infrastructure or have a flourishing population that cannot...

Growing Pest Control Problems in Older Buildings

Older buildings and historic properties are often valued for their level of character or the cultural significance they can play. Unfortunately, because of their aged nature, they often are also noted as possessing more pest control problems than modern buildings. The longer a building has existed, the more time pests have to burrow into its...

The Essentials of Chicago’s Emerald Ash Borer Infestation

Currently, the city of Chicago is suffering from an extensive pest infestation with an exotic beetle known as the emerald ash borer (EAB). Believed to have been introduced to the United States via shipping containers back in 2002, the EAB now has become a truly invasive issue, primarily because the ash trees it uses for its life-cycle comprise...

Is Your Fireplace a Potential Pest Hiding Spot?

During the winter months, fireplaces start getting used far more often as friends and family seek ways to warm themselves and create a cozy, comfortable atmosphere far away from the snow outside. Yet even when they’re being used, fireplaces and chimneys can harbor numerous pests that can drag down the holiday spirit and make even the best home...

Holiday Decorations can be Hidden Pest Homes

Moving beyond the Christmas tree and its ornaments, many other holiday decorations around the house can act as pest homes, causing you trouble that lasts well beyond the New Year. Especially as people are getting craftier about their Christmas decorations, they will often use more natural materials including pine cones, branches, and pine needles...

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