How do I Get Rid of Moles and Voles in my Yard

Mole in HoleDealing with moles and voles in your yard can be a frustrating challenge for any homeowner. These small but persistent critters can cause significant damage to lawns, gardens, and landscaping, creating unsightly tunnels and holes that disrupt the aesthetic and health of your outdoor space. EcoShield explores effective strategies for both removing these pests and preventing their return, helping you maintain a beautiful, mole and vole-free yard. Whether you're dealing with an ongoing infestation or want to safeguard your property for the future, we've got the tips and solutions you need.


What are moles?

Moles are small, burrowing mammals that belong to the family Talpidae. Despite their tiny size, usually ranging from 4 to 7 inches in length, moles are powerful diggers, equipped with broad, spade-like forelimbs that are highly adapted for tunneling through soil. These subterranean creatures are most commonly found in North America, Europe, and Asia, where they thrive in loose, moist soils that make it easier for them to dig and find food.

Mole in GrassMoles are often misunderstood due to their elusive nature and the damage they can cause to lawns and gardens. Unlike rodents, moles are insectivores, meaning their diet primarily consists of insects, earthworms, and other small invertebrates. They have an insatiable appetite for earthworms, which they locate using their highly sensitive snouts. Their unique sense of touch allows them to detect the slightest movements in the soil, helping them hunt even in complete darkness. Because of their underground lifestyle, moles have poor eyesight, relying more on their sense of smell and touch to navigate and find food.

Despite their beneficial role in controlling insect populations, moles can be a nuisance to homeowners. As they dig through the soil in search of food, they create extensive tunnel systems that can damage lawns, uproot plants, and disrupt the roots of grass and other vegetation. These tunnels often appear as raised ridges on the surface, and their digging can result in unsightly mounds of soil, known as molehills. While moles are solitary and generally non-aggressive towards humans or pets, their presence in a yard can be problematic, making it important to address any infestations promptly.

What are voles?

Voles are small, burrowing rodents that are often mistaken for other animals like mice or moles due to their size and habits. Belonging to the family Cricetidae, voles are sometimes referred to as meadow mice or field mice, though they are distinct from the common house mouse. They have stocky bodies, short legs, and small, rounded ears that are often hidden by their fur. Voles typically measure between 4 to 8 inches in length, including their short tails, and they have dense, brown or gray fur that helps them blend into their natural environments.

Vole in Hole in the GroundUnlike moles, which are primarily insectivores, voles are herbivores, feeding on a variety of plants, including grasses, roots, bark, and seeds. This diet can lead to significant damage in gardens and landscaped areas, as voles have a particular fondness for the tender roots and bulbs of many ornamental plants. They are also known to gnaw on tree bark, especially during the winter months when other food sources are scarce, which can lead to girdling and potentially kill young trees.

Voles are highly prolific breeders, with some species capable of producing several litters each year. This rapid reproduction rate can quickly turn a small vole presence into a full-blown infestation if not managed early. They create extensive tunnel systems just below the surface of the ground, which they use to navigate and access food sources. These tunnels can cause the ground to become unstable and disrupt the appearance of lawns and gardens, making voles a significant pest for homeowners. Understanding what voles are and how they live is the first step in effectively managing and preventing their presence in your yard.

How do I get rid of moles and voles in my yard?

Vole in YardGetting rid of moles and voles in your yard can be a challenging task, as these pests are persistent and often require a combination of methods to effectively manage. For moles, one of the primary strategies is to eliminate their food sources, which consist mainly of insects like grubs and earthworms. Additionally, traps are often used to capture moles directly. These traps, placed in active tunnels, can be effective but require patience and careful placement to ensure success.

For voles, controlling their population involves reducing their food sources and habitat. Regularly mowing your lawn and removing piles of leaves, grass clippings, and other debris can make your yard less appealing to voles, who prefer areas with ample ground cover. Additionally, installing barriers like wire mesh around gardens and the bases of trees can protect plants from vole damage. Repellents, both chemical and natural, are also available to deter voles from entering certain areas, though their effectiveness can vary.

While these DIY methods can help manage moles and voles, they often require continuous effort and may not fully resolve the problem. This is where professional pest control services like EcoShield Pest Solutions come in. Hiring professionals offers several key benefits, including access to expert knowledge and more effective, long-term solutions. EcoShield uses environmentally friendly methods that not only target the immediate infestation but also work to prevent future occurrences. Their trained technicians can accurately assess the situation, identify the specific type of pest causing the damage, and implement a tailored treatment plan that is safe for your family, pets, and the environment.

Vole Holes in YardMoreover, professional pest control services often include follow-up visits to ensure the problem is fully resolved and to make any necessary adjustments to the treatment plan. This comprehensive approach reduces the likelihood of the pests returning, saving you time, effort, and the frustration of dealing with persistent infestations. By choosing EcoShield Pest Solutions, you can enjoy a mole- and vole-free yard with the peace of mind that your pest problem is being handled by experts who prioritize both effectiveness and environmental responsibility.

Can I prevent moles and voles?

Preventing moles and voles from settling in your yard is achievable, but it demands a consistent and proactive approach. One of the best strategies for keeping moles at bay is to remove the food sources that attract them. Moles primarily feed on grubs, earthworms, and other soil-dwelling insects, so maintaining a healthy lawn with effective pest management can greatly reduce their chances of invading your yard. Applying grub control treatments regularly can make your lawn less appealing to these burrowing pests.

Mole Holes in YardWhen it comes to voles, prevention is all about managing their habitat. Voles thrive in areas with ample ground cover, such as tall grass, thick mulch, and brush piles. Keeping your lawn well-maintained—by mowing regularly, clearing away debris, and reducing dense vegetation around gardens and tree bases—creates a less inviting environment for voles. Additionally, installing physical barriers like hardware cloth or wire mesh around vulnerable plants can help protect them from vole damage.

Although these preventive measures can greatly decrease the likelihood of mole and vole infestations, they aren't foolproof. These pests are persistent and can still find ways to invade even well-maintained yards. This is where professional pest control services come into play. Companies like EcoShield Pest Solutions offer specialized prevention plans that are tailored to your specific needs, providing a more comprehensive approach to keeping your yard free of pests.

Vole in Hole in the GrassProfessional pest control offers several advantages over DIY methods. Trained technicians can identify potential vulnerabilities in your yard that you might miss and recommend targeted treatments to address both current threats and future risks. For instance, EcoShield Pest Solutions uses environmentally friendly techniques that not only deter moles and voles but also protect the overall health of your lawn and garden. Regular inspections and maintenance by professionals help detect early signs of mole and vole activity before they become a serious problem, giving you long-term peace of mind.

While some preventive measures can be effective on your own, enlisting the help of professionals like EcoShield ensures a more thorough and reliable approach. With their expertise, specialized tools, and commitment to eco-friendly pest control, EcoShield can help keep your yard beautiful and free from the damage caused by moles and voles.

Does EcoShield Pest Solutions offer mole and vole control?

This service is only available in the following locations:

Moles & Voles:
  • Chicago (Geneva location only), Illinois
  • New Castle, Delaware
  • Indianapolis, Indiana
  • Miami, Florida
  • North Annapolis, Maryland
  • Norristown, Pennsylvania
  • Portland, Oregon
  • Richmond, Virginia
  • Salt Lake City, Utah
  • Burlington & Seattle, Washington
  • Mount Laurel, New Jersey
  • Tampa, Florida
  • Eden Prairie, Minnesota

Voles only:

  • Arlington Heights, Illinois

Moles Only:

  • Lakewood, Washington

Yes! EcoShield Pest Solutions does offer mole and vole control as part of their comprehensive pest management services. Recognizing the significant impact these pests can have on homeowners' yards, EcoShield provides targeted strategies to address mole and vole infestations effectively. Our team of experienced professionals understands the unique behaviors and challenges associated with these pests, allowing us to create customized plans tailored to the specific needs of your property.

EcoShield's approach to mole and vole control is rooted in our commitment to providing environmentally responsible pest management. We focus on not just removing the pests but also implementing preventative measures to reduce the chances of future infestations. This proactive approach ensures that your yard remains healthy and free from the destructive presence of moles and voles.

By choosing EcoShield, you can trust that you're receiving a service backed by expertise and a dedication to customer satisfaction. Our pest control technicians are trained to handle a wide range of situations, ensuring that whether you're dealing with a minor nuisance or a more severe infestation, your yard will be protected with care and precision.

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