Is Your Fireplace a Potential Pest Hiding Spot?

During the winter months, fireplaces start getting used far more often as friends and family seek ways to warm themselves and create a cozy, comfortable atmosphere far away from the snow outside. Yet even when they’re being used, fireplaces and chimneys can harbor numerous pests that can drag down the holiday spirit and make even the best home...

Holiday Decorations can be Hidden Pest Homes

Moving beyond the Christmas tree and its ornaments, many other holiday decorations around the house can act as pest homes, causing you trouble that lasts well beyond the New Year. Especially as people are getting craftier about their Christmas decorations, they will often use more natural materials including pine cones, branches, and pine needles...

What Types of Christmas Ornaments Attract Pests in Your Home?

We discussed how, unfortunately, Christmas trees are potential sources of pests during the holidays, but what about the actual ornaments you’re placing on the tree itself? Could some of these be acting to attract pests into your home, even if the tree itself was free and clear when you brought it inside? Absolutely.

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