PPMA Reveals New Pest Education Platform For Kids

Managing pests can seem like a primarily adult endeavor. After all, children aren’t often worried about property damage, home values, or environmentally friendly pest control at work or at school. However, pests can definitely impact kids and it’s important to provide at least a little pest education so children are prepared to approach pests safely. Pest world for kids

One such tool has recently been launched by the Professional Pest Management Alliance (PPMA): Pest World for Kids. This site delivers pest education in the form of a wide variety of engaging games for kids to play while learning about pests, plus kits and lesson plans that parents and teachers can use for their own pest education purposes.

How to Talk to Kids About Pests

1. Make an Activity Out of It

Children prefer to actually get out and experience what they’re learning, not just sit and be lectured about a topic. So find an activity book that makes learning about pests engaging and fun–and then go around the home or out into the yard and watch them enjoy discovering the field of entomology.

2. Use Real Life Examples

Kids may not realize how expansive the world of pests and pest management really is. But once you start pointing out all the ways they’ve already encountered potential pests, such as getting stung by a bee, seeing a roach or rat in the home, or being bothered by mosquitoes, it can open their eyes to future pest presences and provide more learning opportunities.

3. Classroom-Based Pest Education

While schools often have pest management programs of their own in place to handle the grounds and keep kids safe, there may not be as much actual pest education going on in the classroom. If you’re a parent, you can give teachers numerous pest education resources, including websites and lesson plans, that can then be used to convey critical information to the children.

4. Engage Your Pest Management Service

If you have pest technicians coming to your home or school on a regular basis, why not ask if they’d be willing to give the children a short talk about pests and the importance of pest control? They’ll likely be passionate about their career and happy to share behind-the-scenes insights into pests of all sorts.

Are your children interested in pests and the world of entomology in general? Our friendly and professional pest management experts are always happy to discuss their work and the many ways we keep families, companies, and buildings of all sorts pest-free.

Contact EcoShield today to discover more pest education resources!

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